Nova Scotia Nature
photography by Brenda Levy Tate
Welcome to Nova Scotia Nature - a gathering place for those who enjoy photographs of this special region's flora, fauna and scenery. There are no human beings in these images, other than as very minor participants in a few of the scenic shots. This is not a complete collection of regional species. The photos are either those which appeal to me most, from among the many I've taken, or those which represent unusual or special experiences and encounters with unexpected subjects. They are presented for visual enjoyment rather than as any type of guide to the area. If they do prove informative as well as decorative, then I'll be more than pleased.
Many of my photos feature native species, while others depict garden varieties that grow well here. All have been taken in Nova Scotia, the majority in Yarmouth County. I'm fortunate to be living in this lovely area with its moderate climate (zone 6b), strongly influenced by the prevailing weather systems that ride the Gulf Stream to our rugged shores. This is our province's "banana belt" and some rather surprising plant species, that grow well here, will not survive in any other part of NS.
All photography is my own and may not be reproduced without permission. I'll be continually adding to it and updating the collection. I am especially hoping to hear from botanists, entomologists and wildlife biologists who might be able to identify species that I cannot. Please contact me by posting a guestbook message and I will get back to you. My files include literally thousands of nature images. Please let me know your requirements.
You may need to scroll sideways to view the entire page, as monitors vary in size and I've chosen to combine many of these photos for ease of uploading. Maximum single or combined image width is about 1000 pixels to accommodate most wide screens.
I hope you'll sign my Guestbook as I appreciate all comments. I'm also happy to provide links to other sites with related content, if their owners will reciprocate.
Enjoy the site!
~ Brenda

tree swallow

In June, lupines border the margins of many local roads and trails. These wildflowers originated as escapees from more civilized gardens. They provide essential nutrients for many insects, and produce bright orange pollen.